Kapitel: Historische Provinzen Frankreichs, Liste Der Ehemaligen Provinzen Griechenlands, Amt Fredeburg, Amt Schildesche, Steuerkreis, Harde, Amt Brilon, Amt Vechelde, Tibetische Zehntausendschaft, Französische Départements in Nordeuropa Von 1792 Bis 1814, Samtamt Oldenburg, Amt Isselhorst, Amt Angermund, Amt Ravensberg, Amt Eich, Liste Der Historischen Regionen in Rumänien Und Moldawien, Gütersloh-Land, Amt Waldenburg, Gokishichidō, Amt Oerlinghausen, Amt Schlüsselburg, Monthon, Amt Eversberg, Oberwaldischer Distrikt, Unterwaldischer Distrikt, Düffel, Arrondissement Saint-Martin-Saint-Barthélemy, Munizipalität, Socken, Amt Wilhelmstein, Bröcking, Amt Eschweiler, Amt Neunkirchen, Amt Langendreer, Amt Herbede, Kirchspielslandgemeinde, Kleverhamm, Amt Syke, Amt Niederdresselndorf, Starostwo, Amt Gadderbaum. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: A monthon (Thai: , from Sanskrit , literally „circle“) was a country subdivision of Thailand in the beginning of the 20th century. They were created as a part of the thesaphiban (เทศาภิบาล – literally translates to control over territory) administrative system, introduced by Prince Damrong Rajanubhab. Together with the monthon also the still existing provinces (changwat), districts (amphoe) and communes (tambon) were established step by step nationwide. Each monthon was led by a royal commissioner also called thesaphiban. The system was officially adopted by the 1897 Local Administration Act, after some monthon were established before and the details of administration were tried out. It however took till around 1910 that the system was implemented in the whole country. The main reason for the slow implementation was the lack of suitable educated officials, but also the resistance of the traditional local leaders. The Thai word ‚monthon‘ is a translation of the word Mandala. Before the thesaphiban reforms, the country consisted of partially independent cities named Mueang, some directl…http://booksllc.net/?l=de