Kapitel: Ufenau, Liste Von Schweizer Inseln, Bauschänzli, Werd, Ile de Peilz, Werdinsel, Ile de La Harpe, Lützelau, Beznau, Vogelraupfi, Grien-Insel. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: Ufenau is an island located, with the neighbouring island of Lützelau, in Lake Zürich in Switzerland between Freienbach (0.9 km away) and Rapperswil (2.5 km away). Ufenau as seen from the Frauenwinkel protected area (November 2009)Ufenau lies in Höfe district in the Canton of Schwyz. The island measures 112,645 m² in all, 470 m from east to west and 220 m from north to south. Ufnau – correctly spelled «Ufnau», but «Ufenau» is commonly used – and the Frauenwinkel area were placed under conservation in 1927. Swimming, camping and other leisure activities are forbidden, as it is a protected area. The island has a restaurant called «Zu den zwei Raben», built in 1870. Tourist boat trips, run by the Zürichsee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft, sail from Zürich and Rapperswil. Highlights on Ufenau include St. Peter