„The South American Handbook“ is a legend in travel guide publishing. The one-and-only ‚Travellers‘ Bible‘, has had its annual overhaul, giving you a comprehensive update of everything you ever needed to know about how to discover this fascinating continent. The new 85th edition is unparalleled in its depth of coverage and takes independent travellers away from the well-trodden ‚Gringo Trail‘, off into the wilds of the Andes, up the Amazon River, or onto deserted beaches.It is known as ‚the bible‘ for travel in South America. Fascinating cultural and historical insights to every country are covered. It provides accommodation listings to suit all budgets, from colonial hacienda’s to humble beach huts. It includes detailed listings of each country’s many fiestas. It is light-weight, durable and annually updated to provide the most up-to-the-minute information available.