Kapitel: Arrêt Sur Images, le Plus Grand Français de Tous Les Temps, Karambolage, Baukunst, Histoire Parallèle, Sür Un Siess, Taratata, Nouvelle Star, Das Forum Der Europäer, Archimedes, Mein Leben. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: Karambolage is a television show whose goal is to decrypt particular elements of French and German daily life. The show is 12 minutes long and is broadcast on the France-German television station Arte. The show focuses both on what separates and unites these two cultures, with etymological comparisons of words from both languages, presentations of common objects from both countries, and portraits of famous people from the two countries. At the end of each episode is a guessing game where a 30-second film is shown. Viewers must guess whether the scene was filmed in France or in Germany based on the presence of a key detail that is found in only one of the two countries. It is a weekly program, broadcast on Sunday evenings at 8:00 pm. …http://booksllc.net/?l=de