Kapitel: Bernhard Vogel, Lothar Späth, Reiner Kunze, Tankred Dorst, Gunda Niemann-Stirnemann, Sarah Kirsch, Paul Raabe, Heino Falcke, Josef Duchač, Liste Der Träger Des Verdienstordens Des Freistaats Thüringen, Hilmar Kopper, Werner Leich, Gerd Schuchardt, Robert Büchler, Thomas Bauer, Berthold Dücker, Wolfgang Bergsdorf, Herbert Oelschläger, Hermann Ströbel, Gottfried Müller, Matthias Werner, Peter Röhlinger, Andreas Birkmann, Niels Lund Chrestensen, Roland Hoffmann, Jean-Claude Voisin. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: Lothar Späth (born 16 November 1937 in Sigmaringen) is a German politician of the CDU. From 30 August 1978 to 13 January 1991 he was minister-president of Baden-Württemberg and chairman of the CDU Baden-Württemberg, serving as President of the Bundesrat in 1984/85. Later on he worked for Jenoptik AG until 2003. Then he became president of the Industrie- und Handelskammer East-Thuringia in Gera. In September 1992 he was awarded the title of Royal Norwegian Honorary Consul General for Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt. Hosts a TV talk show called „Späth am Abend“, broadcast in Germany (2006). The title is a play on words between „Late at night“ (Spät am Abend) and „Späth in the evening“, a reference to the host’s name. …http://booksllc.net/?l=de